My partner died. What does that mean for my rental contract?

Are you a spouse, registered partner or (contractual) joint tenant and has your partner died? In that case you are, of course, entitled to stay in the home and continue the rental contract. We would like to see the death certificate so we can adjust the rental contract.   

If you were running a joint household on a permanent basis with the deceased but were not married and did not have any form of partnership contract, you can continue the contract for another six months. If you want to stay in the property you must put in a request in which you provide proof of the permanent nature of your relationship and that you can meet the rental requirements. If you can do this, the contract will be put in your name. If any children of the deceased (main) tenant live in the home we will decide in on a case by case basis if they can remain living in the property. We will, of course, do our utmost to help.